With Christmas only a day away, I wanted to share a few photos of our home decorated for the holidays. Between all of my trips to Hobby Lobby, I think I doubled our Christmas decorations this year. But having a cheery colorful house has brought us a lot of joy this season.
To start, welcome to the entryway!

I recently wallpapered our entryway with a fun chevron pattern and wanted to add a bit more color to the room. Blue and white isn’t a traditional Christmas color combination, but it works with the other blue and white decor I have around the house. The ginger jars on the entryway table are from HomeGoods. I added a royal blue ribbon (found here on Etsy) to my little deer so he would fit in too.

As you walk past the entryway, you enter our “formal” living room (which we use as the tv room). You may recall this post detailing how I upgraded the $13 Walmart garlands on the fireplace with colorful ornaments and ribbon. We also added a skinny tree (from Walmart) to the right corner of the room to tie everything together. All of the ornaments are from At Home except for the large pink ones, which I purchased from Amazon.

The wreaths on the window are a DIY project that I made out of grapevines and magnolia leaves. The magnolia leaves lasted about three weeks before they started to fade, so I spray painted them gold last week so they would make it through Christmas. I also added royal blue ribbon bows to the wreaths and these cute little bells that make the sweetest jingle noise when they ring.

Down the hallway from the tv room is our family room. It is the room where the kids play with toys during the day and where everybody congregates when we have visitors. Plus my tiny “office” is in the corner of this room.

I decorated the couch with the pillows I made a few years ago to give it some Christmas cheer.

The console table behind the white couch is the home to most of my orchids. I can’t bring myself to throw them away when they stop blooming, so I have quite the greenery collection. The wooden bowl behind the couch is from Kirkland’s (linked here). I filled it with a variety of green ornaments from At Home to match the orchids.

And our big Christmas tree is in this room too. The tree presented quite the challenge this year. We purchased it four years ago from Home Depot, and this year ALL of the lights stopped working. It took us about six hours to remove the old lights and restring the tree with new lights. Lesson learned to never buy a pre-lit tree again. But we are so glad we were able to save our tree.

Off of the family room is our kitchen. I found the mini lamb’s ear wreaths at Hobby Lobby and hung them over the kitchen cabinets with a black and white striped ribbon.

This is the first year we’ve decorated the kitchen with more than a simple garland, and I love how festive it looks. I’ll miss these little wreaths when we take them down after the holidays!

Our kitchen table is similarly decked out for Christmas. I found the red and green plaid placemats at HomeGoods. And the reindeer is an original work of art by the Dot. The kids each decorated a reindeer gingerbread cookie this year in lieu of a gingerbread house, but only one reindeer has survived Lamborghini’s sweet tooth.

Last but not least downstairs is the little nutcracker painting and paper mache Santa that perch over our hall tree.

I painted the nutcracker using my childhood nutcracker as a model. I’m afraid the real nutcracker is not long for this world. This year, he was missing his nose when I pulled him out of storage. And I have no idea where his left boot has disappeared to.

We also ventured into the upstairs with decorating this year. Lamborghini and the Dot each have a small tree in their room that they decorated. The Dot is obsessed with purple, so her tree naturally trended that color. The dollhouse in her room was mine when I was a little girl.

And of course there is the Candyland Christmas tree that the kids and I decorated in the game room. We had a lot of fun making the lollipop and various candy decorations for the tree.
I’ll note too that while all of these photos show a pristine and decorated home, what you do not see are the piles of boxes and craft supplies in Mr. L’s office or the true state of the kitchen and family room when I am not photographing them for the blog. The Candyland tree upstairs has quite a few empty spots because my toddler doesn’t understand that the ornaments aren’t real candy. And the downstairs tree is completely bare of ornaments on the bottom because he keeps running off with the ornaments he can reach. In reality we would have a pretty boring life if our house looked like these photos all of the time. The mess was half the fun!
And that concludes the tour for Christmas 2020! I think we have finally reached a point in which we can just sit back and relax and enjoy our time with family the next few days. I will be signing off of the blog until the new year, but feel free to check out my Instagram account if you would like to follow more of my DIY and home decor projects.
Thank you for checking out my 2020 Christmas home tour. I hope everyone has a safe, relaxing, and joyous holiday and a Happy New Year!
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