Now that you’ve seen our updated front porch, I am excited to show you the changes we made to the interior of our house. This entryway project has been a long time coming. We started installing board and batten last November, and I have been painting the downstairs ever since. The seven month timeframe doesn’t even include the time I spent debating over white paint colors, which is a story in and of itself. But I am so happy with the results. We now have a light and airy entryway and hallway that gives our traditional home a more modern feel.
To see how this space has changed, it is fun to look back at the before photos.
Hello yellow! The entire downstairs was painted this light yellow color. It was probably a popular neutral color in the early 2000s, but it made certain areas of the house appear very dark in low light. I also was not a fan of the so-called “boob lights.” Once you see them, you can’t unsee them.
This is the hallway from a different perspective. Not bad, but a lot of yellow.
The front door area was a bit warmer and cheerier, but just as dated. And the light, though more ornate, was just as perky. I was craving something more modern.

Sources: Pendant Light | Glass Ball Filler | Orchid Containers (old from At Home) | Wall Hooks old from Kirklands (similar) | Rug old from Ballard Designs (similar) | Copper Container (vintage) | Wall Paint Color: Benjamin Moore Chantilly Lace in Flat | Trim Paint Color: Benjamin Moore Chantilly Lace in Satin
I have read a million times that paint can dramatically change the look of a room. And that could not be more true in this space. The crisp white walls transformed the blah entryway into a bright welcoming space. Aside from the light fixtures, I didn’t change much other than the color of the walls. The board and batten was just the icing on the cake (more on that DIY project in a future post).

Sources: Ceiling Lights (similar) | Wall Paint Color: Benjamin Moore Chantilly Lace in Flat | Trim Paint Color: Benjamin Moore Chantilly Lace in Satin
I love how the white immediately brightens up our hallway area off of the entrance. The white walls are a nice contrast to the brown wood floors. The hallway also feels more spacious and cleaner (and not just because of the little handprints I wiped off of the walls during prep). We’ve noticed a huge difference in the brightness just by taking photos of the kids inside the house. The lighting is ideal even when it is cloudy outside.

Sources: Wall Hooks old from Kirklands (similar) | Rug old from Ballard Designs (similar) | Copper Container (vintage) | Chair (vintage) | Wall Paint Color: Benjamin Moore Chantilly Lace in Flat | Trim Paint Color: Benjamin Moore Chantilly Lace in Satin
I have quite a few antique and vintage pieces around the house. By painting the downstairs white, I was able to modernize the space while still keeping the traditional vibe.

Sources: Mirror (old from Hobby Lobby) | Faux Topiary Tree (similar) | Orchid Containers (old from At Home) | Glass Ball Filler | Foo Dog vintage (could paint these similar) | Brass Duck vintage from Uncommon Objects | Wall Hooks old from Kirklands (similar)
I am also thrilled that I can finally bring a little color into the foyer area without worrying about whether it will clash with the yellow. Even though the white can appear quite stark on its own, it’s a blank palette when you start to decorate. Right now I’m working with decorative pieces I already have around the house, but I plan to eventually switch out the mirror with a more colorful painting.
I will write more about my paint choices as well as the DIY board and batten at a later date. However, I wanted to give a quick peek into our home. It’s been so exciting seeing the house transform with the new paint, I hope you enjoy seeing the updated space come to life on the blog.
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